At the time of the Shift, which marks the end of the Kal Yug or the Age of Darkness, everything that has been suppressed, repressed, buried, rises to the surface to be healed and restored into balance. There has been a suppression of yin energy of the feminine force within all of humanity. Patriarchy has become egotistic and distorted. Patriarchy doesn’t just mean men suppressing women – women are suppressing men, women are suppressing women, women are suppressing themselves. Men are doing the same. This distortion of yin energy and the emphasis on yang – logic, reasoning, assertiveness, competitiveness, power, force, has led us to become a entirely mind-centric. We are no longer in touch with our heart and with the language of the gut. The divine feminine is rising and calling to be embraced by the divine masculine so it can once again be in harmony with and create the whole – one. The left and right brain, the mind at the heart uniting.