“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
– Rumi
Teacher Healer
Reiki Grandmaster Magnified Healing™ Grandmaster
Karuna Master
Curiosity has always driven me.
I am a seeker and have been since well before I heard the term or understood the width and depth of its meaning. I like to question everything. My career in journalism allowed me to travel the world and seek deeper meaning in what I saw around me.
What makes people tick?
How are political and social systems created?
What is the difference about people who create such systems?

International exposure and journalism expanded my mind.
I grew up in many different places in India, lived in Cairo with my bedroom facing the pyramids of Giza, studied at Northwestern University in Chicago and worked in New York at Newsweek magazine. In what seems like another life, I used to be a journalist for a decade, covering politics, business and medicine at Newsweek. After that I’ve worked with several Indian publications, covering current affairs and doing long profile pieces which trained me to understand people and layers of complexities.
My son’s illness was my turning point.
Many moons ago when my first child was a baby, he reacted terribly to the BCG vaccine, and I almost lost him that night. There are turning points in everyone’s lives, which the soul designs for radical shifts – that was a night my life changed, never to return to the old way. I became single pointed in my focus to save my baby. Allopathy wasn’t helping him, so I delved deep into Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Bach flower therapy. I used all my journalistic research skills to seek answers and treatments that would help him. And they did. As I improved my skills to help my baby heal, I discovered a whole world that I didn’t know existed.
My children brought Reiki to me.
I had studied the first level of Usui Reiki to address my son’s illnesses. I was willing to try anything that would alleviate his pain and the anxiousness I was transferring to him. I have struggled with severe post-partum depression, after my first child’s health challenges which Reiki helped me address. Reiki not only healed my child, it healed me. It brought peace into my life, beautiful mentors, books, teachers, wisdom, and a sangh, who today are my spiritual family. My work began with new mothers who had similar struggles to mine, teaching them Reiki. 18 months after I learned Reiki, I had taught more than 150 students, and now, 12 years later, it has been my greatest joy to have watched the transformation of thousands of students and their families across the world, through self-awareness, acceptance, spiritual growth, and finding and falling in love with God. Observing these transformations is the reason I am motivated to do what I do.
Finding God.
During my first Reiki attunement, I had a powerful spiritual experience, where I was dazzled by a visitation of Lord Shiva, and was humbled to witness his force and radiance doing the tandav and giving me very specific guidance. During my Reiki Level 2 attunement I saw Meher Baba who urged me to go to Meherabad. I had an overwhelmingly moving experience at Meher Baba’s samadhi, fell madly in love with Baba and found my Master – my whole life changed. Life became about truly understanding what surrender to a Master meant. To be able to follow the guidance given, no matter how difficult. From the time I was a child, I have had many mystical experiences. Early one morning when I was 7 years old, I saw Vishnu and Laxmi as a 7-year-old child and started playing with them. I would see Krishna everywhere and believed Him to be my best friend. I feel the towering presence of Kali and her guidance in my life every day.
Seeking the mysterious and the esoteric.
Peeling away layer after layer of trauma and suffering, learning different modalities led me to God and the ancient mysteries of life. Raised by a Christian father, a Hindu mother, and a devoutly spiritual grandmother, religion was an elusive thing I didn’t connect to. However, esoteric traditions that lead to the awakening and ascension of the Self, connected powerfully with me. To seek answers, I delved deeper and deeper into the ancient mysteries and wisdom traditions – Advait, Vedic, Upanishads, Sufism, Gnosticism, Sikhism, Kashmiri Shaivism, Christianity. I studied the teaching of Plato, Pythagoras, the Egyptian mystery schools, the tantric traditions, the path of Sri Vidya, the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons, the schools of Feminine mysteries, the ancient Carmelite orders, the Essenes – all to find the answers to age old questions.
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Seeking Ananda
From trying to understand myself, my questioning went deeper. What is the goal and purpose of my soul choosing this incarnation? What are the ways in which I can ascend and return to Source? What all of us are truly seeking is happiness – not the ephemeral, transient kind but something that is a constant and perpetual state.
Doing the work
My single pointed focus is that state of Ananda or bliss that can only come when I have understood myself completely, peeled away all the layers, transcended the mind and the body and all their limitations, and become one with my Master, Meher Baba. This is the ultimate goal of my life. On the journey there, what drives me is to fully transform people, especially women, to shift and change through profound self-awareness, build self- worth, liberate themselves from that which is perceived, step into their most empowered selves, live a life of incredible joy, powerfully co-create the world they seek.
Growing as a teacher and spreading the work
I feel blessed to practice and teach several ascension teachings, white-light energy modalities, and plant-spirit medicine. Students have awakened their psychic abilities, become extremely energy sensitize, honed their abilities to heal, immersed themselves in ancient scriptures and esoteric mysticism, and most importantly radically transformed themselves and their lives. Many of them are now teachers who pass on the light to their students. I live in Mumbai with my two beautiful children Ayaan and Meher. I run an apothecary, White Horse Healing Works, where I channel my knowledge and alchemy secrets into making herbal tinctures, botanical sacred oils, smudges and plant-based balms and medicines.
I love spiritual travel and have been blessed to visit some of the most sacred places on Earth. Nothing makes me happier than immersing myself in nature and the beauty that God has created.
Working through duality
Like all beings, my journey so far has been and continues to be forged though hardships and many many blessings, through inner unrest and serenity, through fear and faith, through nihilism and complete surrender, through hard work and much grace bestowed by the Masters. We are all, in an absolute sense, One – perfectly imperfect emanations of the Divine Source Creator, experiencing our innate divinity and oneness through duality on our journey back to Source.
“When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained the highest state of spiritual union.”