This workshop is designed not only to teach how to teach the 3rd Phase ‘Light Healing’ Practitioner workshop but to understand Magnified Healing ® at its most profound and holistic level. We incorporate ancient teachings and concepts, Sacred Names and Sacred Expressions, present the science that explains its efficiency. The Holy Spirit initiation is most sacred and profound – it is a deep initiation to manifest the Gifts of Spirit in matter, leading us to unshakeable peace, the result of perfect communication with the upper levels of Light and gates of ascension are open and activated. A leap on consciousness, vibrational frequency, and consequently in our understanding of our role and presence in these planetary times. An initiation of conscient transfiguration and activation of patterns and codes of Light not experienced before. The Magnified Healing ® Teachers Training is a beautiful and in-depth class for which students are required to research and present papers on various metaphysical topics based on the teachings of the 3rd phase.
Eligibility Criteria
Completion of Phase 1, Phase 3, Celebration and Advanced Studies
Must have taught Magnified Healing Phase 1 to at least 1 person (in person)
Must be a certified Magnified Healing practioner for at least 6 months before the class