Karuna Reiki ®

Karuna Reiki ® is a Reiki system based on healing developed by William Lee Rand in 1995. Karuna is a Sanskrit word meaning compassionate action. Karuna Reiki opens the practionner up to offering compassionate action to others and also becoming more receptive to the compassionate action of enlightened and ascended beings who are working with Earth and humanity.

Karuna Reiki Energy and Universal Compassion

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism, Buddhism and Zen. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action.” When we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. As we become more familiar with the various spiritual realms and have a greater understanding of how energy works, it becomes apparent that we are all made from one source of energy, which we will all eventually return to.

Because of the oneness of all living things, Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. If you accept that we are all one source of energy, then in the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want to heal the wounds of others. It is also stated in Buddhist philosophy that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna or wisdom in order to have the maximum benefit.

Karuna, or compassion for others, is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings or Boddhisatvas, who are working to end suffering on Earth. These enlightened beings continually send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but not all of us are receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, you become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your healing is quickened as well.

Karuna Reiki is a feminine energy. It is the energy of Shakti, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin, Green Tara and of ancient mother goddesses in every culture and historical time. This energy opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit. Karuna Reiki is a healing energy that assists in awakening us to Uni­versal Compassion, the unconditional love of the Divine mother.

Many of us are compassionate individuals, however, some of us find it more challenging to have compassion for ourselves than for others. This causes us to resist our true unity with the Divine. Karuna helps us shine light into those areas of our being where we hold judg­ment, criticism and less than loving thoughts about ourselves, others, or world situations. Karuna enhances our ability to see everyone through the eyes of the Divine; as a parent sees a beloved child. When we are able to do this, having compassion, even for ourselves, is a natural way to be.

Karuna Reiki can help us understand that we are always precisely where we need to be on our life’s path, and to accept all of our experiences and actions as an integral part of who we are. When we learn to accept ourselves with true compassion and love, we begin to honour even those parts of ourselves that we may have felt shame for in the past.

The Guides that work with Karuna Reiki:

The guides who work with Karuna Reiki are highly evolved. Avalokiteshvara is known in Buddhism as Maha (Great) Karuna (Compassion) and is often depicted in artwork as a being with many arms. Avalokiteshvara is an incarnation of Kwan Yin, the Goddess of compassion and mercy.

In Buddhist mythology, it states that Avalokita or Kwan Yin, was born from Buddha’s right eye, after which Buddha proclaimed, “Om Mani Padme Hum,” which means, hail to the jewel in the lotus, a sentiment of her preciousness to him.

It is believed that Kwan Yin is responsible for channeling Karuna Reiki onto the Earth. Which is why, she often appears during Karuna Reiki attunements to the Master who is attuning or the student receiving the energy.

The Karuna Reiki system consists of 3 levels (2 practionner and 1 master levels),12 symbols, meditations, healing the shadow, and using chanting and toning.

  1. Karuna Reiki 1 (Practionner Level): This level is taught to people who are Usui Reiki Advanced Practitioners. To learn the practitioner levels of Karuna Reiki, the student must have previously been attuned to the Second Level Usui symbols. Four symbols are taught in this level, and an attunement to those symbols at the practitioner frequency is given.
  2.  Karuna Reiki 2 (Practionner Level): The pre-requisite for this level is Karuna Reiki Practitioner Level-I. The student must have completed Usui Level 3a and be attuned to the Master symbol. Four additional symbols are taught in this level, and the attunement to these symbols is given.
  3.  Karuna Level 3 (Master Level): The pre-requisite for this level is Karuna Reiki Master Level 1. This level includes attunement to the same four symbols taught in Karuna Reiki Practitioner II, plus the three Karuna Reiki Master symbols, which increase the power of the practitioner symbols. If one wants to become a Karuna Reiki Master and they are already an experienced Usui Reiki Master, it is not necessary to first become a Karuna I and II practitioner. Masters are trained in a three-day intensive workshop, or special 4-7 day intensive retreats. They move through all the practitio­ner and master levels of the energy during these programs. Although not necessary, it is possible to first become a Karuna Reiki I & II practitioner, and later take the master training. This is a matter of personal preference and choice.

Karuna Reiki is taught very differently in the West by its founder William Rand with a great emphasis on the four symbols. I, however, teach Karuna, which comes from Buddhism and is still practiced in every monastery by senior monks in Tibet, Japan, China and India, the traditional way. My Karuna lineage is from Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and I received my master attunements from a variety of traditional teachers/ monks. I also have a lineage tree from William Lee Rand, so I offer the international certification for Karuna, which enables you to practice and teach anywhere in the world.

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